Rural English Teachers Association

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June 2009

2nd Annual Conference coming up!!!


Rural English Teachers Association (RETA) will be having its second annual conference at the University of Limpopo Turfloop Campus. The conference is scheduled for the 27th June 2009; at R40 conference Hall. All members and participants will assemble at the hall from 8h00 to 16h30.




Last year’s (2008)1st Annual Conference


2008 RETA conference


Last year’s conference was a great success. Presentations were very interactive. Presenters came from as far as Northwest Province and the United States of America.


The challenges and pleasures of teaching English in a rural setting


Teaching English in a rural environment requires a teacher to work with commitment, diligence and passion. One needs to be creative, innovative and enthusiastic to exploit the given situation optimally.


Learning takes place largely through imitation. The learners must, therefore be taught to be good listeners so that they can become good imitators. Good listening demands self-discipline to some extends. A good listener doesn’t just respond abruptly without giving his/her reaction a thought. A good listener takes time to select appropriate words that will best express his/her response.


So, in order to be a good speaker one essentially has to be a good listener. The skill of speaking too; can be taught to the learners. With very few things to distract the attention of the learners in a rural setting, the teacher can create an atmosphere conducive to learning. Teaching English, especially as a second language requires the teacher to use gestures, facial expressions and right intonation as he gives instructions, compliments or reprimands.


To acquire the writing skills requires the learners to be imitators too. The teacher’s layout of work on the board must be presentable and clear. Neatness must also be emphasized in teaching writing skills. In foundation phase, in particular, it is imperative that the letters of alphabet be displayed against the wall; both Capital letters and Small letters. The learners must be encouraged to write so often. It is, however important to consider the intellectual development of the class as you give the piece of writing. Make the learners enjoy writing by marking their books yourself.


The tireless efforts of an English teacher in a rural area will be rewarded with meritorious success for his learners. The mastery of English will definitely make learners to fit in any given situation globally. The potential is there even in rural children. Teachers must just unearth and cultivate the latent talents in these learners. It is only with hard work that a teacher of English in a rural area will be fulfilled by being a lifelong learner himself/herself.


 compiled by Matlhako L.D